Empty Leg Flights
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Contact Alas Air at 720-312-4021 or Sales@alasair.net
{{legs[0].fromAirport.city}} ({{legs[0].fromAirport.name}}) - {{legs[0].toAirport.city}} ({{legs[0].toAirport.name}})
{{flight.airportFrom.city}} ({{flight.airportFrom.name}}) - {{flight.airportTo.city}} ({{flight.airportTo.name}})
{{leg.fromAirport.city}} ({{leg.fromAirport.name}}) - {{leg.toAirport.city}} ({{leg.toAirport.name}})
  ( seats)
Time in the air
Time in the air
Price {{flight.defaultPrice | currency:""}} {{flight.currency}}
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  ( seats)

Price {{flight.defaultPrice | currency:""}} {{flight.currency}}
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